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Speaking of.
I'd like to share this poem with you from my upcoming collection The Cry of The Ravven which debuts in May. I think this piece encapsulates everything I am trying to say and do with CCP. I hope you enjoy it.
Here's To The Broken People
The world will know you
The way that I know you.
And the world will love you
But only at a fraction
Of how they should love you.
But they will know you
Because I will tell them.
Here’s to you,
My beautifully broken people.
We are all one and the same,
Lives bonded over pain,
Our lives struck by tragedy.
We have learned that pain
Does not discriminate
And we are all at its mercy.
We walk with cloaks of trauma
To shield our battered hearts.
We speak in words of wisdom
That can only be spoken
By a broken heart.
We live our lives in mirrors,
Caught in reflections
From our past.
We fear our future is but an echo –
Happiness fades, and it fades fast.
We have swallowed grief
By the gallons
And smothered out our own voice,
We are told to be afraid
And that we do not have a choice.
We see darkness in the light,
We hear echoes in the song,
You say we have been through hell,
But hell has just begun.
We are estranged from
Things like happiness, security and peace.
You cannot fathom what we’d give up
For a day without anxiety.
Here’s to my broken people,
You are the salt of this earth.
You may not believe it,
But your lives are filled
With purpose and with worth!
You have a power no one else has!
You are a reckoning in the bend!
You are the hope of our generation.
You are. You are!
You are here, my friend.
Do not let the hurt consume you,
Do not let the depression win,
You are strong and powerful –
Look at you! Standing in the end.
And when your burdens
Feel quite heavy
And your hope has fallen
Far below,
Remember we are sisters
And we are brothers,
And we will never be alone!
Here’s to my broken people!
Let me hear you shout out loud!
Do not stand among the shadows,
Own your pain and wear it proud!
Because you are more than
What you came from,
You are more than
What’s been done to you!
You are hope incarnation
Simply because...you are you.
Here’s to the broken people,
Like me, like you, like them.
You will give me a reason to speak up.
I will give you a reason to stand.